The SCM team recently attended the Ayeyarwady Region Investment Fair in beautiful Ngwe Saung. It was an initiative of the MIC, the Regional Government, JICA and JETRO and brought together senior officials from Union and Regional Ministries, trade commissioners, business leaders from domestic and foreign companies, business associations and investment professionals for an investment seminar, trade show, business matching event and series of site visits to leading projects in the area. SCM was there as both Myanmar investment advisers and as part of a capacity building project funded by GIZ to support the Investment Promotion Division of DICA. It was encouraging to see the MIC/DICA team coordinating effectively across Ministries and Regions to promote Myanmar’s improving investment climate and the comparative advantages of investing in this high potential region, and even better to see the private sector participants discussing opportunities and further reforms to bring growth, jobs and prosperity to the area. Congratulations to all on a job well done, and we look forward to working with DICA to further enhance their investment promotion services for the future.
Ayeyarwady Region Investment Fair
Updated: May 16, 2021